The efforts made by 10 salmon farming companies, including Sealand Aquaculture and its “Committed to the South” campaign, continue to strengthen the different hospitals, postal services, Cesfam and Cecosf in the south of our country. On this occasion, it was the Calbuco commune service centers, where these companies delivered more than 216,000 pieces of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
The companies Biomar, Sealand, Cermaq, Caleta Bay, Fiordo Austral, Mowi, Australis, Camanchaca, Skretting Chile and Salmones Aysén made a significant contribution in Calbuco consisting of 2,300 KN93 masks, 168,800 surgical gloves, 26,600 3-fold masks, 18,800 disposable long sleeve bibs and 45 liters of antibacterial gel.
10 empresas salmoneras donan más de 216 mil elementos de protección personal en Calbuco